Smart Moves - The Dirt

posted on Saturday, January 1, 2022 in The Dirt


Smart Moves

Brothers Tony, Joe, and Brian Dietz grew up playing in the dirt together. “We would literally play with Tonka® trucks on our father’s construction sites,” remembers Tony, president, Bob Dietz & Sons, Inc. “We’ve loved it ever since.”

Bob Dietz started the excavation company in 1976. His three sons would work after school, on weekends, and all summer. But for the siblings, the work has always really been play. Bob fostered a passion for the business in his sons rather than pressuring them. “Without even realizing it, Dad created a strong team that really works well together,” adds Joe, who is director of technology. “It has always been about enjoying the work. And because of that, we all developed our own talents and special abilities.”